Do you have a favorite recipe that uses one or more of our vegetables? If you would like to share it with others who enjoy our healthy vegetables, please paste the text of the recipe in an email or provide a link if it is already elsewhere on the internet. We will post the recipe on this page, either anonymously or with your name as you like.
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Grandma's Stuffed Cabbage (From: Greg)
head of cabbage
package of chopped meat (1 pound grass-fed beef)
1/4 cup raw rice (holds the mixture together)
1 egg
salt and pepper
fennel seeds
tomato sauce
lemon juice
Soften the head of cabbage in boiling water. Mix the package of chopped meat, 1 egg, 1/4 cup raw rice, and salt and pepper.
Cut leaves off the cabbage gently and fill them with the meat, egg, and rice mixture. Then roll.
In bottom of pot, put sliced onions and tomato sauce. Layer the stuffed cabbage rolls and repeat layers of onion and tomato sauce as necessary.On top, put drained sauerkraut, fennel seeds, about a tablespoon of lemon juiceCook in crock pot on low for approx. 8-10 hours